Become a sponsor!
See what we've got in store for you!
€ 19 per month¹⁰
Apply for sponsorshipPremium
€ 49 per month¹⁰
- Your logo including a backlink of your choice on our frontpage¹
- Your logo including a backlink of your choice on our sponsor page²
- Your organisation being listed in the "Premium" section with an additional paragraph to describe your organisation³
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€ 99 per month¹⁰
- Your logo including a backlink of your choice on our frontpage¹
- Your logo including a backlink of your choice on our sponsor page²
- Your organisation being listed in the "Ultimate" section with two additional paragraphs to describe your organisation⁴
¹ Maximum image size: 300px x 135px; allowed file formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png
² Maximum image/media size: 484px x 218px; allowed file formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .webm, .mp4
³ Maximum 300 words, no backlinks allowed
⁴ Maximum 600 words, backlinks allowed
⁵ Might appear smaller on the sponsors page
¹⁰ Can be canceled at any time